Unoccupied Home Insurance

  • No ongoing inspections required

  • No minimum or maximum timescale

  • No administration or cancellation fee

Why choose our unoccupied property insurance?


No ongoing inspections are required, unlike other policies which often require weekly property inspections.


There’s no minimum term on our policies, whether it’s for one day or one year you’ll never pay for longer than you need.

Transparent Pricing

A fixed monthly price with no administration fees and no cancellations fees.


Standard cover including buildings up to £750K and contents up to £10K.

When is our unoccupied home insurance used?

Probate Properties

Our policies are ideal for properties that are part of an estate administration process.

Buy To Let

If your buy to let property is empty for more than 30 days it’s likely your standard policy won’t be valid.

Extended Holidays

If you’re planning an extended or open ended holiday our policy means you can relax knowing your home is covered.

What is Unoccupied Home Insurance?

Unoccupied home insurance, also known as vacant home insurance or empty house insurance, is a specialist insurance policy designed to provide coverage for your home when it is not occupied by you or a tenant. Standard homeowner's insurance typically has limitations on coverage for unoccupied properties, making it essential to invest in a separate policy for this situation.

Unlike most unoccupied home insurance policies, ours requires no ongoing inspections and is completely flexible. Whether need insurance for one day or one year, we’ve got you covered.

Why Do You Need Unoccupied Home Insurance?

  1. Coverage Gaps: Standard homeowner's insurance policies often have limitations on unoccupied properties, such as reduced coverage or shorter coverage periods. Unoccupied home insurance fills these gaps, ensuring your property remains protected.

  2. Risk Mitigation: Vacant properties are at a higher risk of various perils, from break-ins to natural disasters. Unoccupied home insurance provides peace of mind by mitigating these risks and offering financial protection.

  3. Legal Obligations: Depending on your mortgage agreement or local regulations, you may be obligated to maintain insurance coverage on your property even when it's unoccupied. Failing to do so could result in financial penalties or legal consequences.

  4. Property Value Preservation: Protecting your unoccupied property ensures that it remains in good condition, preserving its value and marketability.

Unoccupied home insurance is a crucial investment for homeowners facing temporary vacancies. It provides comprehensive protection for your property and peace of mind while you're away. Be sure to discuss your specific needs and circumstances with an experienced insurance agent to tailor a policy that suits you best.

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